Conditions d'utilisation
ease re ad th ese Te rms of Use (& ldquo;Terms”, &l dquo;Terms of Us e”) ca refully be fore us ing the ar (t he &l dquo;Service”) op erated by (& ldquo;us”, &l dquo;we”, or “our”).Your ab
ility to use the Se rvice de pends on yo ur wi llingness to ac cept and fo llow its te rms and conditions. Th ese te rms ap ply to ev eryone who vi sits our we bsite and us es it. As sistance pr ovided.By ac
cessing or us ing the Se rvice you ag ree to be bo und by th ese Te rms. If you di sagree with any pa rt of the te rms th en you may not ac cess the Service.Intellectual Property
The Se
rvice and its or iginal co ntent, fe atures and fu nctionality are and wi ll re main the ex clusive pr operty of and its licensors.Links To Ot
her Web SitesOur pl
atform may in clude co nnections, to we bsites or se rvices th at're no t, un der our ownership. The we bsite ar do es not ha ve co ntrol ov er. Is not re sponsible, for the co ntent be ing di splayed. We are not re sponsible, for the co ntent or pr ivacy po licies of any th ird pa rty we bsites or se rvices you may vi sit. Fu rthermore. Ag ree th at you sh all not be he ld re sponsible or li able directly. In directly re sponsible, for any ha rm or lo ss pu rported to ha ve be en in curred in re lation, to. re liance, on any co ntent or se rvices, on any platform on line. Di gital se rvices.We st
rongly ad vise you to re ad the te rms and co nditions and pr ivacy po licies of any th ird-party web si tes or se rvices th at you visit.Disclaimer
Your ut
ilization of the Se rvice ca rries ri sks as it is of fered in its st ate wi thout any wa rranties or as surances. The se rvice of fered by ar is pr ovided as is, wi thout any wa rranties of any ki nd. Is su bject, to av ailability. wh ether st ated ex plicitly. Not sp ecifically me ntioned li ke wa rranties th at are im plied but not re stricted to te rms su ch, as su itability for us e, in an ap plication or ab sence of vi olation of in tellectual pr operty ri ghts or ty pical practice The sh ows pr esentation was ou tstanding.Governing Law
These Te
rms wi ll be. In terpreted ba sed on the la ws of the Un ited Kingdom. re gardless of the la ws, in re gions. If we do n't up hold any of the ri ghts or ru les, in th ese Te rms we wo n't see it as le tting go of them. Any of th ose ri ghts are af fected if a cl ause, in th ese Te rms is de emed in valid or unforceable.END In ca se of any di sputes, in co urt re garding th ese Te rms of Se rvice ag reement cl auses th at may be un enforceability pr ovisions in wh ole or pa rt sh all not af fect the va lidity of the re maining pr ovisions wh ich wi ll st ill ap ply and be up held as, per the ag reement te rms. Our Se rvice ag reement re presents the en tirety of our ar rangement. Ov errides any agreements. Any ag reements th at we may ha ve co ncerning the Se rvice.Changes
We he
re, at ar ha ve the au thority to ad just or su bstitute th ese Te rms as we see fi t. "At any po int, in ti me if th ere is an up date we wi ll ma ke an ef fort to no tify you at 30 da ys, in advance." Up on the im plementation of any co nditions we wi ll as sess wh at de fines an al teration, in our po licies and pr actices. so le ju dgment. By ag reeing to our Se rvices up dated te rms and co nditions and us ing it af ter the ch anges ta ke effect. Pl ease ad here to the up dated te rms and co nditions; if you do not ag ree wi th th em an ymore.Contact Us
If you ha
ve any qu estions ab out th ese Te rms, pl ease co ntact us.